
Monday, July 7, 2008

Diamond Chrystal

An observer might see my blog as ego-centered. So many stories about "I." I see my blog as Ego-centered -- a relationship with spiritual Light. Light that has molded, shaped and guided my life. Ego is not conscious of itself -- Ego is conscious because it is aligned with Light.
This blog holds stories of my conscious relationship with Light.

I went to a church yesterday to show the film from work. This church has been a long time supporter of my agency. When I arrived church service was in progress. I realized that I should have asked more questions. Will I ever learn this lesson about turning to logic and letting that aspect filter through? I arrived at the moment my contact was speaking about my agency and the film. So with no time to get the DVD in place I spoke to the congregation. As usual I let my words rise up and flow. When I sat down for the remaining service and heard "one true God" and "Jesus" I realized I had said some things that were not "Christian." I had spoken from a universal spirituality and was concerned that I had created disconnection. In the middle of this internal pressure I kept seeing that crystal hologram that looked like a space craft with its solid elongated base. I have not seen a crystal this size.

I went to the drumming circle and we sat outside in the sun. I looked around the circle thinking about connection one with another. Then I looked at the trees. Suddenly a line appeared between me and the cottonwood. Ah...crystal connection through line. After drumming I went to the fabric store to buy ribbon to make lavendar wands. At the check out counter were large diamond rings...huge crystal shapes. They cost $9.99 and some were deep blue. I held up a ring and it looked just like the large crystal image in mind's eye! The base was elongated and substantial. After this realization I will go back today to purchase one. A large diamond must be a community of individual diamond crystals.


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