
Monday, April 26, 2010

How the Universe Works

Watching How the Universe Works I saw that the universe is made of two components: matter and anti-matter. Matter is positive and anti-matter negative (did I remember that correctly?). According to scientists there is a battle between these two forces and because there was more parts to matter than anti-matter we have a universe with material objects. I don’t buy it. I question the me vs. you and the us vs. them lens that science sees through and thus, I question what they see through that lens. I see through another lens and would suggest that these two opposites are not in battle but in a constant interplay of love-making that produces diverse aspects and forms of creation. Some human filter and lens is blocked and limited from seeing the whole and holiness of creator and creation. Why are humans creating dark dramas when the light of joy is our core soul and solar birthright?

There was a man sitting behind me at Dr Emoto’s talk who asked about the techniques a person could use to heal. The answer was obvious to me so after the session I approached him and said: The techniques include smiling and laughting. How much more simple does it get? Humans are soooo serious. Why not lighten up? One knows what one expresses. Shine your light and know light; express love and know love. This shining and knowing is omnipresent and one doesn’t have to be perfect emotionally to experience this state of being nor have fame and outer riches. Light is a focal point of identity. Light (invisible force) and I are one. Love (visible expression) and I are one. I am matter and anti-matter dancing my way through the cosmos. And I don’t dance alone. There are star crystals shining all around.


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