
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Full Circle ~ A Closing and Opening

Life moves full circle through seasons of time. 22 years ago I worked at a Peace and Justice organization and met a native man who was a carver and peace activist. I felt a connection with him and asked him to write down his contact information. A couple of weeks ago I found his note in my file on community. His name is Jewel James. Yesterday I saw and spoke with him again. This time I also met his lovely wife, son and his Lummi community as the Frog totem pole was unveiled in honor of the high school students; as Salish Sea water was blessed by Dr. Emoto through prayers of apology, forgiveness, thankfulness, and love; as Dana sang the powerful song “Drop of Water”; and as the community of varied ages and cultures poured water, prayed into it and drank all together.

I asked Dr. Emoto to sign my book “To Turtle Island.” People ask me why. It’s because I acknowledge and honor the whole. Dr. Emoto is now the fourth person who has signed on to Turtle Island. The three others are Deepak Chopra, Carolyn Myss, and Michael Beckwith. Inch by inch, degree by degree we move with her into a new mathematical equation.

A circle of time closes and a new one opens. I met people and gathered business card after business card to teach Circle of Life mapping. I spoke with Elder Jack Cagey about teaching another Elder class and showing my book. Jack and his wife had a major role at this event. I am grateful to be connected past and present.


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