
Saturday, April 10, 2010

In Service

Cecile, Chair of the Duwamish Tribe, commented about the leaves at the front door and that a wedding was scheduled. I told her I would sweep after the Singing Feet session. As I was sweeping it hit a wind current blowing through: "I am in service!" This is why I'm volunteering my time doing chores here and there. Is this the role of an elder or one who is retired? It seems to be what I enjoy doing these days. There are boundaries however. A woman said that she wanted me to help her with "publicity" and I said "no." I want to work on her farm doing chores. My body wants more physical work. Shoveling gravel is great for the upper body...better than the gym. I'm choosing the chores/service that I do...there are plenty to choose from.

Amazing gift of honest communication from a friend. The consequence is a closer bond personally and professionally. This is how the river of life flows...heart to heart, voice to voice, eye to eye.


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