
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Warm Blanket

VP Biden's "potty mouth" brings up a response in me. Emotional language is expressed with that "F" word. A word I never use nor do I appreciate hearing it. Why? Because it makes profane an act between male and female that is sacred. Because it's a lacks intelligent thinking, feeling and thus is no-brain language. Because it's a catch all word for every emotion. Because it's low life.

I woke up thinking about what I can add to the political system besides technical language: Poetry! Could the politicians hear, swallow and digest it?

When a space opened up with my youngest daughter I asked if her printing business would like to print my books. She responded that she always likes to support me. So happy!

I'm living life inside out and it's not linear. Those who work with me never know what's next. I never know what's next. It's moment by moment, day by day evolution that is much larger than myself. I guide this ship according to E/S/W/N.

Some things are taking shape...other things are murky. Some choices are clear...others are murky. It's complex if I let it be. It's easy if I stay balanced in logic and intuition.

I had that feeling again the other day. It's like a warm blanket wrapped around me. It's more than peace that is sort of's a feeling of happiness running through my whole system. And there is no external reason for the's simply present.


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