
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Emotional Fruit

I enter plan C regarding my Circle of Life book. Interesting introducing my class with a book -- a little book with Turtle creation story, mapping one’s story instructions, actvity maps, quotes, a poem and mandala information. Its reference to Goddess will alienate me from a certain population. I've been rather quiet and protected about my orientation. The book could change that.

My illustrations were not professional enough and an artist entered the picture. Each day brings new whispers to move this way or that. Each day brings a new step on an ongoing path. The artist introduced me to her art: wild cats! Ah ha! That cat at Esalen...and that cat photograph on my wall from Esalen. Wild magic!

Will this book publishing process find a stopping point or rather some sort of turning point since nothing ever stops? I’ve decided to print a large number of books rather than go with a self-publishing house – even though one did give me a good deal. The book is like my baby and I want to carry it in my arms as I teach classes. When momentum is reached I could then go with a publishing house.

Sunday Dream: wolf was my companion. A baby wolf and a fierce adult wolf that was happy and content near me but very ferocious when crossed. In the dream he took off from my side and attacked some object in the distant North on my dream map. In the dream I wondered how one animal could be so opposite in temperament, size and…language!

Language is the fruit of emotion.


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