
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Dark and Light in One Space

I found myself in the pit of hell. It was dark and had form. It held relationships that are dying, children who are hurting, women who are suffering, men who are lost. I noticed that in the intensity of this depressed state there was a thread of...happiness. This is new ground and it had/has new substance.

Friendships are like flowers and flowers emote happiness. To grow flowers require the elemental forces of water, air, earth and fire/sun. Flowers die without these forces of nature. It's up to us humans to nurture relationships or let them die. We are gardeners of our personal plots and the plots that create our environment.

It happened twice within a week. An impulse moved through my body and at the speed of light and I called two different people. And it also happened that I didn't know what action to take regarding tension with someone...tension that has been in place for months. The body makes so many different choices each day and these choices look so very different. It's such a complex system! It's not all conscious, sub-conscious or unconscious. All these parts work together.

I felt a layer of "something" shed from me yesterday...the only thing I can relate to is snake shedding its skin. The "something" is an old, old pattern of me vs. you. This mentality and positioning happens when there is conflict and tension with another person. I'm looking for new ways to communicate that orient around higher ground and lightening up.

I reached out to two relationships this morning with love. I may not hear from one of them. The other one called me and we had a heart to heart talk resolving buried misunderstandings. She told me that I "snapped" at her and she doesn't like this defense mechanism. I appreciated her feedback. When negative feelings don't get released they build up and communicate in distorted ways. I don't want distortion in myself or in my environment. This healing takes place between parts when there is a willingness and a readiness. Learning to communicate in new ways is critical for a healthy and whole brain-body.


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