
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Le Rae

Mother Earth is balancing and re-orientating both of which have to do with alignment.

I named my youngest daughter Leah Rae (the Ray) in honor of the sacred Light that had “knocked my socks off” so to speak; sacred Light that grabbed me by the neck and snapped me into another dimension 35 years ago. This Light holds on to me still guiding, teaching, uplifting, enlightening.

Earth embraces Light Ray at core. This electric and magnetic centered force has been missing since she was knocked out of her true orbit. It’s as if she has been in a dysfunctional relationship that has created chaos and disharmony around, in and on her body. Mother Earth is returning to her true Star alignment.

This solar and soul Ray force moves/flows North and South. The South energy coils and wraps around central core. The North energy holds steady in radiant Light. Both polarities singing and synergizing as One aligned force.

Recently I’ve been looking skyward and feeling something new in the heavens. It gives me a free and peaceful feeling...childlike, enchanting. I wonder what’s up there/out there with mind; my heart simply greets the heavenly space with a warm and happy “hello”.

North Star will be replaced as Earth lines up with new heavenly bodies. Because Dragon has been so much a part of my mystical journey here on Earth I sense that Draco Constellation is where She is being pulled. (I have no idea what that looks like on the cosmic map and don’t need that outside in information as I’m not attached to information. I am attached to mystical enchantment.)

Stonehenge comes to mind as well as the alignment of forces that are depicted in the movie The Dark Crystal. There will be much more shifting of Earth and many more deaths. For those of us who know that life is more than physical we know that we may be “sacrificed” in these critical times.

Cosmic consciousness (awareness of the larger whole) gives us peace and serenity as well as abundant and overflowing joy. Her “cup runneth over” are words that pour through me here now. Both North and South poles are singing/dancing welcoming Earth change and shift. Right brain and ego cannot comprehend...doing so requires brain body of the whole.


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