
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Healing Wave

I had that surreal feeling again. It happened after two hours with 82-year young Alma, Lummi/Yakima Native Elder. I had been interviewing her for a bio and her daughter and I had been laughing together at the dining room table. I don't know why I feel so connected to my Native American brothers and sisters.

As I was eating breakfast this morning (baked pear, walnuts and cinnamon with cold yogurt -- yumm!) a wave of grief came over me as I connected with the hardship these people had to endure at the hands of white people. So maybe all this has to do with healing this land, this Northwest corner and these people.

Perhaps the surreal feeling is contentment in doing what I came here to do. It's a new quality of love that is soft and mystical in its enchantment.


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