
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Brain Body Support

I heard on CNN that the 8.8 earthquake shifted a large land mass so much so that the axis of Earth was moved. So, perhaps if She can shift degree by degree the human species will survive. She is balancing and re-orientating. How do I know? I am of Her Earth and know the renewing process through brain body.

A question comes in and I cannot body can, however. What's the difference? The latter is a whole system that includes ego. My body is leading me these days and a lot of synchronicity is happening. It's fun!

I spoke at the City Council meeting last night. I was nervous but the radio talk show experience helped. I mentioned that my letter to the editor was in the local paper. The city officials all took notes on that. I guess that means that letters in the paper do matter....and that our politicians do have to answer to their constituents.

I have a lot more to say after the council meeting. I can't believe the cookie cutter mentality. Where is imagination and creativity? I will not be silent and watch another fertile valley be paved over because the city needs more tax revenue. They cut down a block of trees on my corner for a development that is still undeveloped after two years....and they want to do more of the same? It's absolute stupidity! I will be attending more meetings! I notice that I do have an influence on people...that my charged emotion has an effect. I am conscious of engaging with people through light hearted and positive energy...and that people respond with the same energy! It's magical.


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