
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Unfolding Orbit

Earth/Moon relationship comes into focus. What woman doesn't want a "moon" to revolve around her and only her? It's a unique orbit...soul mate stuff I'd say.

Addictions are rampant: food, alcohol, sex, drugs, etc. I see that the Chopra Center has a new program for healing addiction. Thank goodness for that! Why are we humans so off balance and addiction oriented? That same old theory comes up for me: because the planet is off balance. Once She straightens up so will we...and, once we straighten up so will She. Once we find new posture in new orientation we will heal. Again I am reminded of The Dark Crystal and how the characters transformed as alignment occurred.

It's an intense week. Monday started with the 40th Anniversary march at Daybreak Star Indian Cultural Center. I joined the back of the parade and since I went alone I wasn't distracted by another person. Yes, socializing can be distracting when one wants to attune to spirit. This allowed me to BE and as a result a huge wave of emotion move through me as we started to march. I'm not sure where the energy came from: above, below, in front or behind me? Maybe it came in from all those directions. Maybe it was the Ancestors and/or the Land and/or the Water and/or the Sky? I was surprised at all the native people I knew relationships have developed in such a short time. A lot of synchronicity occurred and the event was well done with...balance including prayer, history, political recognition from local and state levels, poetry, song, stories, etc. It was a celebration of the past, present and future. There's still an attraction with that tall Native man. Attraction is one orbital pattern of relationship is another. That orbit requires grounded communication and getting to know someone. Attraction can be a lot of static if it is not grounded in some way.

Tuesday was City Council and a group of us represented the ag valley. I read the Grange letter and as I was reading it hit me that we not only need the ag valley protected we need a "buffer" around it so that it doesn't get swallowed up from all sides which happened in the Kent/Auburn valley where I worked for so many years. I spoke those words as they came through me. I like attending these meetings and learning how city gov works. A friend invited me to a rural forest meeting. I'm getting political.

My Circle of Life illustrations are complete and ready for my review in photoshop. Thanks so much to my friend for doing that for me!! Soon the pdf files will go to print. It's a big step. I will have a mapping activity book to take to Hawaii! And I have another vision for this Circle of Life work for which I start planting seeds. It's amazing how one can see something and then work to cultivate it. It's a step by step evolving process and requires many parts. Which is why I stay unattached as well as persistent! (That's what the woman in finances at one tribe called me this week.) It's not up to me how the vision will's up to the whole. That is my business model!

I spent time with Anna Haala, Peace Elder, yesterday. I was drawn to the blue/green turtle in her home. She has met and travelled with shamans from around the world as well as the Dalai Lama. She said that every culture honors turtle which gives me some new emotion around my Turtle's Circle of Life story. I don't have a word for that emotion other than "sacred".

There is a lot of tension moving in the whole and in this part. I swore in front of someone when I was impatient. I apologized to him later. He said he hadn't heard me and that swearing is a common occurence in his day. And I apologized to someone else this morning for being impatient about doing bookkeeping for the Grange. Acting as Treasurer brings up a lot of resistance in my I have to talk to myself and say that with patience I can learn and do these mundane tasks. It's as if brain needs a stronger connection with nerves and muscles. More learning curves...more work! It all begins within...and it's that reason I care about my tone of voice and my language with other people.

I continue to hit places of grief regarding my children/grandchildren. I divorced the father of my children and now I feel as if I am divorcing my two daughters. They orbit around their father...and I do not fit it appears. I reach out on occasion and let them make their choices. This too feels surreal.


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