
Friday, March 5, 2010

Profusion of Infusion

Earth is vibrating at a new frequency spilling over in profuse color and sound delightful. These fairy dust particles exude through the parts and uplift the whole. Can the physical dimension continue to download this heavenly force?

Harmony and peace hold inner space. New core solidarity threatens old ways. Change is inevitable.

Caduceus unfurls his/her wings on Earth. How do I know? Not from a book or an outside teacher. Not from anything outside in. True knowing comes from within…the central source of attunement. If I experience new vibration, if two experience new vibration so does the whole. No one part is separate or isolated. We are one living and breathing body of matter. To know something new is to express something new. Such are the laws of quantum physics. We know as we express. We are one with creator and creation. We watch it unfold and we play our parts. We know the struggles of ego and attachment in this world of matter and we know the freedom and joy of spiritual space.

Matrix of heaven meets matrix of earth reminding me of the “threads” scenes in Avatar. One by one threads are woven. Two by two pieces of fabric are designed. Piece by piece the whole is showing up through expression of one enchanted body.

Look for it…see it…hear it around you because you express it. Shift into wakefulness of expression and celebrate...even as walls crumble down.


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