
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sustainable Language

Shedding of skin means that matter/ground/earth has expanded. I’m noticing that's true of my brain/body. It’s as if I have a new orientation and “gauge” telling me when I am not happy internally and not loving externally. It starts with self-talk and I find myself in more inner dialogue rather than on automatic pilot. Is it logic that has more play or something new that guides both logic and intuition? It’s a new math: 1+1 = 3. It’s the math of synergy and is magically round rather than linear.

I was in conversation with a woman who kept talking about a problem. I had heard this over and over again. My body was getting irritated and off balance. To get back in balance I said to her that I didn’t want to hear about the problem any longer; I wanted to focus on the solution. Later I realized that I had to take my own medicine. There has been an ongoing relationship issue and I’ve been acting in the same way rather that getting to the point. So, I learned from my own spoken language.

I was hiking with a friend on Friday and as we were chatting I felt new ”presence” within myself/around myself. I was holding an “intentional” space regarding my language. As we were talking about language the term “sustainable” came through. Sustainable language! We thought it comical that spoken language itself gave us the perfect word. Language carries force both positive and negative. I'm feeling that new space for positive language has opened.

I watch an old pattern of not speaking up regarding tension or conflict. I never learned to communicate as a child. My family didn’t engage in meaningful conversations. There was a lack of stimulus. I have to reprogram old patterns with new stimulus. And that new stimulus is conscious! It's almost like a zoom lens now in place. Here we grow again!

Once again I am impressed by the fact that there are so many choices each day especially when one is not sitting at a desk job 40 hours a week. New circumstances bring new light if one so chooses. Let there be Light in this realm of matter. In this place that looks and sounds like hell in so many directions let there be light. Let Nature express herself freely though Her elemental magic. Let space hold a peaceful green and blue planet.


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