
Monday, April 5, 2010

Light Shine

Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution is a great show...except for his potty mouth. My son says it makes for good media. Another tells me that there is a spectrum of behavior...I guess that means language too. Common sense says that if Jamie is promoting healthy food going into the mouth he should also exemplify healthy words coming out of the mouth. Especially if he's working with kids. I guess it would be a bland world if we all sounded and acted alike....however....why not raise the standard and have that spectrum on a new level of creativity and vitality?

It was fun to look at my daughter the other night at the concert and exchange "light shine" eye to eye. It was a split second exchange but it was present! I hadn't seen her for 5 months...the longest time ever. I noticed another man emitting "light shine" as well. Love it!! That term means that one's eyes are wide open and shining full circle...pure and bright.

When I took the young woman whom I had taken under my wing home from the doc she told me, "Thanks for the wake up call." I heard that the next day she had gone shopping with her mom for clothes. That was a miracle as she had closed out her mom, was not interested in bathing or getting new clothes for school. Seeing the doc was a good move! I hope she continues to open up and is successful.

And Saturday another woman came through my door as her car had died on the property. We talked and she wants to take my Circle of Life class to assist with her healing path. This seems to be a new phase of service in my life. And my sister-in-law asked if I would consider giving the opening talk at a Volunteers Administrators Network conference...something I used to help organize. I was so surprised! I said that my talks tend to be motivational...and she looked at me as if: well, yes, of course. I'm not used to this kind of response.

The grants to tribes seem to have hit a wall with "busy staff." So, I continue working with Native Elders telling their stories on the radio program.

As many people turn to gardening in cities and suburbs I wonder if there is a knowing under the surface that some shift is happening and this will be a necessity sooner or later. I'm ready for a shift...I think my brain-body already has.


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