
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Food Revolution

The Fire On the Mountain had an effect on me. It filled me out even more. It gave my life more meaning.

The ag community marched in the Spring Parade with a sheep, pony, roosters, wagons, banners, etc. I wore green skirt to celebrate Goddess. I noticed few women in skirts...we are not men! And I didn't see any men in skirts either.

I went to the Farmer's Market afterward and was drawn to a shawl on display. It's not the blue/green colors I've been wearing but has all the primary colors in design that is tribal. Just as the turtle book wanted to go to Hawaii so does this shawl want to go. Hawaii will mark a time of celebration.

This morning I received a call from a local woman who had been associated with Alliance For A New Humanity. She invited me to the May 1 Interfaith Fair at Bellevue Unity Church. She asked if I would drum. I offered to drum and sing an Earth Chant: Sacred Ground. In so doing I will honor the four directions. The church has a labyrinth!! Another reason I met my rainbow tribe shawl.

There is increasing language about the food revolution. Our local Health Department is getting behind local food for local schools/kids. It's time to creat a system with a win/win/win/win for our county, city, schools/kids and local farmers. I will speak about this at the next city council meeting. I want to have a vision and some sort of solution to take to the June WA State Democratic Convention. The Obama administration has $400 million to support local production and distribution. How can we be part of the flow of giving/receiving?


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