
Friday, April 2, 2010

Resist Not

After all these years she's still unhappy and shut spite of all the education and degrees. She is unable to receive, digest/circulate and return an expression of joy. It's like a circular space that is dark where light is meant to shine. The relationship is limited, maybe void. Why is it so difficult to open one's heart and shine? It's a family dynamic that may never shift. I let go.

I intevened...again. I took a distraught young woman under my wing and then to a doctor. She's sweet and gentle as well as poisoned and aggressive. Is her condition a "dark night of the soul" or a mental/emotional breakdown? I don't have an answer and thought the naturopath/mental health/spiritually oriented doc would. It got to be draining so I have now let her go. I steppped in and I stepped out. She and I talked about Light, Angels, dark and light forces and choice. I let go and trust.

There are consequences to interventions/intercessions.

Evil comes in many shapes, sizes and with many masks. Once those masks are stripped away a sparkling gem is uncovered. Resist not for Light is omnipotent; omnipresent.


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