
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

City Council

I woke up yesterday morning inspired to write my 3-minute City Council talk. It was ready to be I agreed. It may evolve by April 6.

Local Food for Local Kids

If you’ve seen the movie Avatar, Food Inc or the Japanese film Princess Mononoke you’ve seen the storyline drama of Nature vs. Human Greed. That greed manifests through over-population, over-development, over-polluting, over-eating,
over- drinking, over-drugging. Greed is unhealthy upsetting natural balance and destorying life.

I am a poet, writer and visionary. I am more right brained and intuitive than I am left brained and logical. I need Nature to breathe and thrive. I need land, trees, open space and green valleys for inspiration; for health. For this reason I am stepping into the political system to speak out for Nature.

I watched the King Co Board of Health on TV talk about Healthy Eating Policy strategies to Improve Health in King County through Local Healthy Food Initiatives. They mentioned that the Obama administration has $400 million for local healthy food production and distribution. This is the same funding stream identified by The Food Policy Council that I mentioned at this meeting last month.

Being right brained I see wholes intuitively rather than parts logically. So I see a whole system where Washington State, King County, the City of Woodinville, our Schools, and Farmers work together to create a system where local farmers feed local kids through local schools. I see funding supporting this whole system.

Being new to politics my first question is: How are these relationships? Are they intact or broken? A whole system works when the parts are connected via communication and respect. And…being new to politics I don’t have the conditioning that says “You can’t do that…that will never work!” I see something and I say We Can! And if it doesn’t work one way it can evolve another way. What is our focus, our intention? My focus and intention is health and well-being for all the parts.

I am now a 45th district delegate and will attend the WA State Democratic Convention in June. I will network and speak out for a food production and distribution system that supports all the parts. I am eager to contribute. I welcome your support.


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