
Sunday, April 18, 2010


I experienced a spiritually intimate talk with a man the other night. He’s not just any man – he’s very special in many ways. Spiritually intimate talk has to do with core issues and feelings that revolve around those issues. It was such a remarkable experience to volley meaningful spoken words back and forth with a man. He is caring and sensitive and…receptive. This experience created a shift and breakthrough that is mathematical in proportion with lines, angles, and arcs. All parts of the whole were touched and moved creating more balance.

I'm giving birth to triplets: Circle of Life ~ Mapping One's Story activity book; Turtle's Circle of Life story and Circle of Life class. I'm gearing up to promote all three via radio talk shows, talks, classes, workshops. Amazing how a physical "product" can be a tool for one's expression in the world.

I read that in printing serif fonts are used for body text and sans-serif for titles. My eyes prefer the opposite of this standard. I cannot “digest” a lot of text with serif fonts. I'm also noticing how it's a challenge to do bookkeeping for the Grange. I actually get a headache fitting all the numbers into little compartments. This detail work requires focus of brain that I am not used to. It is another learning curve and yet once I get through the stress and discomfort I enjoy the outcome! I like the order of math and how the numbers balance. Perhaps if I grew up making baskets or knitting I would not have this challenge. Interesting how math relates to balance.

Manipulators use people to gain something for themselves. They do this through lies, deception and secrets. However, secrets have a life and breath of their own creating ripples and waves underground. In time nothing is left uncovered. I have two manipulators in my life. I’ve learned how to deal with one as he’s been around for many years. The other one is newer to me and I have to learn how to relate to her…or not.


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