
Sunday, April 11, 2010

How to Tame One's Dragon Body

How does spirit ground in earth? Through elements of water, air, earth and fire. As spirit increases in watts/amps through human expression earth has to adjust and make room.

Spirit expands and there's new water that I don't know how to swim; new ground that I don't know how to walk; new air that I don't know how to sit with; and new fire that I don't know how to breathe. It's about internal balance that manifests outwardly through nerves and muscles. It's an ongoing process of maturation.

I'm reminded of an energy field. Lines of force are in constant motion and when they hit earth what happens? That depends on the quality of earth. If spirit and matter can connect and spiral a higher force penetrates matter and moves all things forward. Such is kundalini design. Such is ley line.

When two people have a spiritual connection on earth a third point is present creating synergy. This unified force field goes beyond personal ego and relationship. It's good to identify higher force that is "in-between" all heart to heart relationships. It's good to be aware of this maturation in process.


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