
Friday, September 26, 2008

A New Economy

Our strategic plan at work identifies "community engagement" as it relates to direct service. We have no "gear" within this plan that includes community engagement as it relates to public/community relations. My Speaker's Bureau project is increasingly bringing to light the need for this gear or "organ" in every community.

As we go into the community to radiate and introduce our programs people want to give back through volunteer time, inkind donations and funding. (Is this response reflected light?) A staff person (gear/organ) needs to be in place to manage this energetic circuit of flow going out and coming back in. This is how an abundant "economy" and system works. There have been missing pieces that need to be identified and included in a whole system.

Grassroots life forms are not recognized and are abused by egos. Money and stature has ruled and held power. These two opposites are at war. It's a matter of life and death.

Systems are breaking down so that intelligence will rule. That intelligence includes a whole circuitry where grassroots values and life forms are recognized and supported by the whole. Those who have more will give to those who have less. It will be a conscious intent of the whole system. We need a new name for this system that radiates and reflects light of love.


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