
Friday, October 3, 2008


He wanted to meet today...had something to tell me. Looks like there's some negative ripples from one of my talks as relayed to him by his partner in that club. People said I was angry. Interesting that my passion got through that way. And in the same club is a woman who wanted to meet and connect. She appreciated my message and delivery. Seems I create opposite responses. I will work to balance my talk and not be so emotional. I need a different platform to really shout out the way body/mind/heart wants to. And even then...what ripples would that create? As usual I'm not quite sure how to fit in and at the same time be true to myself.

My garden responds. Gave me beans, potatoes and mature ears of corn....for the first time! I make another batch of spaghetti sauce from my abundant tomato crop. And at the same time cucumbers and squash did not produce fruit in spite of the greenery and blossom. Is it lack of pollination? How does this process apply to the garden of my talks? What is pollination? What role do bees play?

At the CSA last Friday I was alone picking rainbow chard. In a moment of spontaneity (inside out flow) I asked the chard about grounding and being centered. The plant(s) responded! Told me to think of them/see them in their pink, red, yellow and green veined leaves rising up out of earth. This image and that support came to mind several times since that moment last Friday..

Time to dip my tomatoes into the hot water bath...transform them with onion, garlic and basil.


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