
Sunday, February 15, 2009

Horse Power

Yesterday my head and body seemed disconnected. I had that spacey, out-of-body, sensation. I had purchased Lion King tickets for my grandkids months ago so that is what we did. This morning “horse” comes through.

Sunrise is a potent time of day when earth and sun re-unite. It’s a time when I receive my “marching orders” for the day. This morning horse (new power animal for me!!) appeared: dark but not black with white patch on his left leg which was stomping the ground. Horse had one large black eye like one eye patch for both his eyes. Dr. Steven Farmer mentioned on a radio show last week that he asks his power animals, “What message do you have for me.” I don’t receive direct answers in this way. The horse simply kept stomping. However, I did grab his mane and we flew into sky. He became Pegasus and unicorn….relative of Dragon. Horse and eye like bee/insect assist my journey now grounding in this realm.

Today after church I went to lunch with a couple of new women friends. One has dragon as her power animal. She has drawn a picture of her dragon. Bingo! The other woman is a grant writer! and as I was sharing my Green Heart vision she asked if I could draw a picture of the "radiant cells." She is going to assist me in further development. Bingo! How magical is that? And...she mentioned (out of the blue) that she wanted to go to Montana this spring to watch the wild horse migration! Bingo! I hope to go along with her! She is also attuned to the medicine wheel and drumming. Matter and light are joining forces to align a new grid on earth. It's like two grids coming together. People and creative opportunities are finding their place -- in community.

More articulate language is shaping this program vision:

Green Heart Program:
  • Is a faith-based "stimulus" program
  • Highlights spiritual values as a foundation for a healthy economy
  • Provides community service through meditation and prayer circles
  • Includes all faiths, philosophies, cultures
  • Reduces stress, crime and violence
  • Engages local churches, businesses and schools
  • Receives funding to support grassroots at-risk programs
  • Tells stories of positive change
  • Celebrates successful outcomes
  • Is a national model expanding the Green Heart vision and action

Two minister friends in Pittsburg suggested I come to their church and train them on the program which takes my vision to a new level. Perhaps I won't be the Program Manager doing the same work I've been doing for 18 years. Perhaps I'll promote and sell this vision. Will it be a business? Will it be a program in Community Threads? I am not business oriented so I don't know how to do this. I do have a class this Friday, however, on self-employment. My left brain is engaged and I can now enjoy class in this linear world!! So fun!

I just now gave a title to this page as horse power. What does that have to do with harnessing? A word my friend contributed?

Horsepower: Horsepower is defined as work done over time.

Time is speeding up and presenting quantum leaps for community moving together.

(I'm ready to start networking via phone the Green Program vision with various Offices on Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. WA, OR and CA do not have such an office. I am going to the heart of government -- Washington, DC. Fun!)


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