
Friday, February 13, 2009

Dragon Eye

I have a new employer who is giving me regular "marching orders". I guess that one boss is Spirit. Being unemployed I have more time to listen and respond. I am in the process of creating or landing in a new job that aligns inner spiritual values with outer work in this world. A job that allows me to shine light more fully into and with this world. A job that is mouthpiece and platform for the downloading of spiritual substance.

Light downloads through a gradation of bodies that hold specific vibration from subtle to gross: spirit, etheric, auric, emotional, mental, physical. And through the download process is psychic/transcendent Eye that observes, absorbs, and evolves the whole. This is Dragon Eye - chrystalline and holographic in sight and knowing.

The Dragon Clan are people who live in both ordinary/linear and non-ordinary/non-linear realities of spirit. The Dragon Clan lives in multi-dimensions and serve as conduits of light. Light downloads through wavelengths of bodies.

For example: I download a vision/idea and share it with another or others. They respond and the vision/idea takes form in this world. For example I need help from others to shape the "Green Heart" program idea. Reverend Charles was there for me to bounce the idea off of. He responded. Two other friends wanted a mission statement and pushed me and then assisted in the final wording -- expanding and refining what I had come up with. People in this linear reality help me with language transition A(my brain speaks a different language) and the shape shifting. I need people to assist with translation. This is co-creation of parts through one body/field from non-linear to unconscious and linear collective body. One golden thread weaves through all the differentiated wavelengths and parts.

The Green Heart Program and network holds the dynamic process of Radiation, Response, Attraction, Contact, Union, Unified Radiation. Meditation and prayer circles Radiate and invite the whole congregation and community to meditate and pray as a collective; Response and Attraction happens; there is Contact; Union is through meditation and prayer; Unified radiation ripples out.

I don't know how this vision and idea will shape shift. It's not the form that is important but the creative process. We hold the "child" of any vision and idea gently so it can grow and develop from its own seed nature. Deepak talks about this inherent design in the tape with Wayne Dyer How to Get What You Really, Really, Really, Really Want. Wilderness Awareness School talks about this as "original instructions". We let light move through matter and watch the magic unfold. We act as co-creators...a different role for the homo-sapien than the one that has been in control through greed and adolescent self-centeredness. We work with Light rather than reject it/block it. These are exciting "job" opportunities!


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