
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Drumming for Earth Mother

Yesterday I was moved to take drum to Prosperity Class and sing earth chants that I learned at Wilderness Awareness School and the women's lodge. I was nervous about “coming out” and grounding this energy that moves through me in such a sacred way. I had no choice…this timing was inside out.

Yesterday on the way to the library I was listening to Shamanic Dream sounds and drove past the road to the library. When I realized I had gone too far I asked myself where I was going. The answer was calm and clear -- obvious. I was going to the next town and into the office I never thought I would return to. It was about forgiveness and tracker. It was all so very smooth…like sweet air, like still waters, like solid earth, like heart fire. This reconnection through forgiveness does not give any man permission to intrude and invade a woman’s personal space. I returned to the school a new and whole woman without the previous holes in my energy field/aura.

I drummed and sang at the class celebrating prosperity in a new community -- both inward and outward. A couple of women are interested in doing sweats. It must seem odd to some church members to have this earthy presence. My drum and energy honors cultures and spiritual orientations all around the planet. No culture can claim that drum and earth chants belong to them. This is Earth Mother music.

Joy and tears flow holding a space unknown and unmarked and yet known and marked moment by moment, day by day. These are “in-between” times as heaven descends and earth ascends.


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