
Saturday, January 31, 2009

Comforting Substance

The recent earthquake has me thinking: Will Earth Mother bring a new leveling field to all of us? Are we seeing just a glimpse of systems breaking down? Will we all be tested at survival? Not emotional survival, nor mental survival but physical survival that has to do with the basics of shelter, food and water. Those of us on unemployment begin to think about basic survival. It's a definite shift.

I'm noticing a quality of "comfort" in my experience of attraction to a man. Perhaps it's the blue and cool part of flame that accompanies the red. I'm also noticing how present and grounded he is...and clear. And that he gives in return...he's responsive. I'm thankful for this experience here/now.

I awoke without expectation or intention. Actually, I awoke after a day of breaking out in a rash or hives. It started at my heels and at 3:00 AM it was all over my upper legs. Not sure what's going to happen next. I had hives many years ago after fasting and then eating too much seafood. This could be a food reaction or an emotional reaction since I've been going through some intense ups and downs. Anyway, I woke up and as I started my day I noticed that there were three special people "with" me. They were simply in my field of consciousness so I spent some time with them via their works of art.

First, I opened the book by Caroline Myss entitled Why People Don't Heal and How They Can. It's about the chakras which reminds me again how Earth Mother's chakra system is awakened as human chakra systems are awakened. We are Her aura (energetic system) so to speak. We protect and comfort Her. Carolyn writes that the organ of skin has to do with the 7th chakra. We are earth's skin--along with trees, plants, rocks, water, etc. (Perhaps my rash is a cleansing of toxins from the ground up. I think it's important for flesh, muscles and bones to let toxins move.) The epilogue is fascinating: Snow White and the Seven Chakras! Thank you, Carolyn.

I listened to a CD from Hay House: How to Get What You Really, Really, Really, Really Want with Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra. Very enlightening and entertaining covering ground that is timeless. I want the Obama's to have a copy and may send my extra copy their way. Thank you Deepak and Wayne. These three people also bring "comfort" into my field. It's a comfort that abides in connection.

I was at the grocery store yesterday with a friend. It was crowded and congested. I was concentrating on an item on the shelf and then noticed a woman waiting to get by. She had such a foriegn look on her face. I asked my friend what was that look....entitlement? It was as if she was superior and who was I to block her way. My friend didn't respond to my emotional reaction. She has had a lot of yoga training...and can teach me a thing or two! If I had been in a more centered and loving space I would have smiled at this "uppity" woman and extended love. In the tape Deepak mentions, "Self-importance is a mask for self-pity." People who act superior are really acting out of inferiority--it's a cover up. One can only see through illusion when one's own emotional field is a Snow White and the wicked Queen.


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