
Tuesday, January 20, 2009

New Garden

I am very grateful for my new community (starting to feel like family) at Genesis. The prosperity class was immediately...prosperous! Driving home from the class it felt like I was in a potent energy field and like all good crystal ball experiences I had an "insight". In that class the teacher/book talked about substance and that is what we generated as a community. That is what I was wearing and taking with me on the way home. It is this substance that is the space for "meaning" (to honor Wayne Dyer's movie theme) and the ground for prosperity in this world.

Today I had an emotional low and as the pattern has proven again and again it brought with it a "revelation" about creating a workshop so that I can express the passion that I am and include the language of the sacred feminine. I got that I don't have to wait to write a book. This "ah-ha" was the opposite of that comedy of errors. This "ah-ha" was about a synchronicity of connections. It's as if we're in a new grid where the parts are pulling one to the other in order to serve the whole.

Leaving my job opened ground for many new possibilities. It loosens my soil in consciousness and lifestyle. I did find a job of interest today and sent my resume. It's a job that's in line with Obama's vision for community service.

What a day for America! What a day to stand tall and proud...together.


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