
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

White Serpent and Angel Reading

This writing is done in a well-rounded emotionally bursting bubble the essence of which cannot be conveyed through linear words.

Radiation, attraction, response, contact, union, unified radiation (never quite sure if attraction is before response or response before attraction...seems one contains the other). This sacred equation and experience is emotional.

In this process I saw and felt white scales on left side of a being that emerged into a white serpent. He hung out awhile in circle formation holding sparkling presence. I know his face and mouth well as I've drawn him over the years. However, I have never seen such a white serpent before! (The difference between serpent and dragon is that dragon has wings.)

I asked my angel cards (Healing with the Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue) what white serpent has to say:

Past: Emerging
You are awesome in so many ways, and you are beginning to trust and reveal your true nature more easily. At one time, you may have believed that you had to hide your feelings from others (or even from yourself!). Now, however, you realize how vital and attractive expressing your authentic self is.

Your angels are guiding you to honor your true feelings by expressing them to yourself and others. The angels willhelpyou lovingly talk about your feelings so that no misunderstandings occur with friends and loved ones. Your angels will never guide you to do or say anything that could hurt you or anyone else! They will also ensure that your life will emerge to a new level of inner peace as you let your true self come out and play.

Present: Soulmate
Your heart yearns for a big love. Since you are on the spiritual path, you desire a partner with a similar philosophy and common interests. Can you have great passion and spiritual companionship wht the same person? This card confirms that your answer is, "Yes!" By drawing this card, your angels ask you to trust in and follow their lead.

Your angels have heard your prayers for a great love, and they guide you to take steps to manifest this desire. If you are in a current relationship, your angels ask you to release this partnership to them. In that way, they can help elevate your relationship to a soulmate level, or help you to gently end it so that your new love may appear. Either way, they will closely assist you and give you clear steps to take.

Future: Celebration
The angels want you to know that this is a light-filled time in your life. You have been working toward making changes, and your intentions have now manifested into form. This is the time for you to fill your heart with a warm feeling of gratitude.

The angels ask you, through this card, to hold strong in this gratitude. You are like a gardener who plants seeds and nurtures them because she has faith that her labors will yield new growth. Keep watering and tending to your seeds, and you will soon see them sprouting through the surface. The angels are your c0-gardeners, who help you tend to your crop.


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