
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Kundalini Force

My new friend feels like a sister. She is certified to teach Kundalini Yoga. Her yoga and kundalini community in Los Angeles "saved" her from an addiction. Another woman mentioned that Kundalini Yoga caused her to have too much energy and she preferred Hatha Yoga. It will be fun to experiment with these different energy forms/practices.

I entered the following article into my computer recently. Now that I have more time I am getting back to organizing my journal writings from the past 35 years. Kundalini is the main thread in my journey and was/is birthed through my bodies of physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, cosmic dimensions. This story began in dream time with salamander and then grew into serpent dragon with wings. Kundalini Dragon is a cosmic force that unifies parts (matter) of the whole. All winged beings are supporting this force. Humans are evolving and discovering their unique wings.

I still remember the emotion that ran through me as I wrote this on November 18, 1993

Sacred Sites

This flesh is Goddess flesh. This earth is Goddess earth. We share miles and miles of terrain brought to life by invisible grids of energy. We share patterns and pathways sacred. Energy vortexes of dancing light swirling, coiling root to crown, crown to root. Kundalini Serpent sets matter afire. Charged circuitry of root, spleen, naval, heart, throat, brow, crown. Ignited glands secreting vital life force filling out my space of body, mind emotion, spirit and generating core substance of who I am creating my personal environment. Pollutants of body—be gone! Pollutants of mind—be gone! Pollutants of heart—be gone! Let my fire burn clean and bright.

This flesh is Goddess flesh. This earth is Goddess earth. We share miles and miles of terrain brought to life by invisible grids of energy. We share patterns and pathways sacred. Energy vortexes of dancing light spiraling, coiling from earth to sun, sun to earth. Kundalini Serpent sets matter afire. Ignited pathways Stonehenge, Dragon Hill, Grand Canyon. Sacred sites emoting vital life force filling out Her space of body, mind, emotion, spirit. Generating core substance of who She is. Creating Her global environment. Pollutants of water—be gone! Pollutants of earth—be gone! Pollutants of air—be gone! Let Her fire burn clean and bright.

Kundalini in the Physical World by Mary Stone (notes from from 1993)

"As all matter is ergoconscious and responsive to formative pressures from above, there must be in our terrestrial context as well as in ourselves, centres and channels through which cosmic energies pass and in which they blend."

"All energies at work in bodies become Kundalini forces as soon as they enter dense matter. Similarly all becomes part of the earth as soon is it manifests within its field of forces."

"Cosmic energies are conceived as polarized between spirit as the most refined form of ergoconsciousness and matter as its densest, most solidified state. In Kundalini yoga this polarity is seen reflected in a relation between two centres in the human body, the Sahasrara Chakra or spiritual center in the head and the Muladhara or Kunkalini Chakra at the base of the spine.

In terms of life on this planet there is a similar polarity between the center of the Sun and the centre of the Earth defining a multidimensional field of forces from highest Bokhi-Shakti down to the chemical forces of dense matter."

The Rebirthing of Nature by Rupert Sheldrake

"In sacred places, the spiritual and the physical are experienced together. Sacred places are openings between the heavens and the earth, or between the surface of the earth and the underworld; they are places where different planes or levels of experience cross."

Trish writing 12/20/93

North/South connection spills over creating connection East/West and focus of energy shifts to hands. More than spirituality. More than sexuality. Proving the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Hands on fire—charged—with life force. Hands doing what comes natural—taking action in this world. Loving action made visible through outpouring of the parts.

New field born East/West. Holy birth to be celebrated this Christmas Time.

Happy New Year 2009 as the story goes on through time measured by rhythms and cycles invisible and people and places visible. We are gifted with sight and with sound to tell the story.
In all things give thanks.


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