
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Cobra, DNA and Love

Last night I felt two energetic beams supporting me. They came in from NE and SE toward center though I couldn't detect at what point they grounded. Perhaps they didn't ground but went through creating an X. This transparency is a quality I've been feeling lately. If X is associated with chakras the beams would look like this


Isn't this cobra? And if this pattern coils and twists isn't it DNA? I'm hearing from within that this patterned "map" needs to include "meridians." Is't this convex and concave light rays?

Eagle was perched in cottonwood tree this morning along the "canal" as it was called in the early 1900s. Young men with juvenile detention were planting trees. I observed the men and thought about telling them how their work was healing the planet and how each part of the tree is like their own life. I didn't have the nerve to stop. A few seconds later I glanced at one of the men removing blackberry stalks and he gave me a large grin saying "good morning." Maybe the thought about healing gets through without words! Love is powerful!

Talked with a very compassionate Asian woman at WorkSource this morning as I begin to fill out unemployment forms. I join a new body -- the unemployed. This woman's kindness is a good omen. It's amazing how the little things in life create abundance.


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