
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

True Wealth and Success

Serpent Dream:
I am walking with a man taller than I. We see a snake. It wants to get close to me and I freak out -- a physical snake is much different than an archetypal one. It wraps around my neck and I have to consciously work to stay calm. I focus and attune to the snake. I feel its presence around my neck, left to right, and then hear it make a sharp sound at/in my right ear. The man unwraps the snake from my neck very carefully because it’s tangled in my hair. He lifts the snake high. I think he’s going to throw it (men will be boys and boys usually torment snakes) but he gently places it on the ground. The man then strokes my head and neck. (how loving is that?)

A co-worker walked into my office yesterday saying that someone is saying good things about me to her husband who works at the Jewish Federation. This woman is saying that "She wants to be just like me: spiritual, positive and intuitive." This woman and I were on a board together. This was a surprise as I had no idea how she perceived me. This is so good to hear as I get ready to leave my job after 18 years. It’s good to be seen! Now, can I put these qualities on a job resume? Maybe a karmic resume is more in line with Truth.

I celebrate an 18 year cycle by going to LA in January for Wayne Dyer’s Ambition to Meaning premiere and I’m taking my big sis who lives in the area. I will attend I Can Do It! These are good mantras for a new cycle.

I was talking to a family member who thinks success is material possessions. She felt that at her age she should have accomplished more. She asked me what I’ve accomplished and I didn’t have anything physical to show her. I suggested that success is knowing oneself…and inner contentment. At the end of our time together she did comment that maybe she didn’t know what success was.

I notice at the new church that some see success as material wealth…seems to be a sign of spiritual achievement much like the movie The Secret. As nice as it would be to have material comfort true success and wealth is inside out.


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