
Monday, November 24, 2008

A Point of Light

Went to my friend's church....Genesis. The minister is very young and has charisma as well as being down to earth/real. Lots of music and dancing. For my birthday on Sunday I'm inviting my family to this church. Some of them just might do that with me...since it's my 60 years young celebration! I bought everyone in my family a gift from Hay House to thank them for being in my life. It's my party...I can do what I want to!

During Sunday meditation I noticed a "dome" sensation over my head. Reminds me of a "container." I am aware of several containers or nests in my life: my house, car, bed. These are safe places with boundaries and guardians. I feel a cozy gratitude in these living spaces.

I went to the Western Coalition of Alaska Natives (WeCAN) with my friend's family. One Native woman is the Senator of our state's 47th District! Lots of Native dancers, drumming, food (plenty of yummy salmon) and raffle prizes. I felt honored to offer my arm and hand to my friend's mom who is an Unangax/Aleut Elder. I asked about totem poles...and there are no trees for totem poles! The Unangax dancers are excellent performers. Their regalia, drums and stories via song were powerful and crackling brisk snow. My friend's family is very warm and welcoming. Needless to say there is pain and grief in individual stories...some choose recovery and healing as others are not there yet.

I heard this song by Randy Travis Sunday morning:

A Point of Light

Theres a point when you cannot walk away
Theres a darkness that everyone must face
There are heroes whose names we never hear

When you have to stand up
Straight and tall an mean the words you say
It wants to take whats good and fair and lay it all to waste
A dedicated army of quiet volun-teers

Theres a point you must decide just to do it cause its right
And that darkness covers everything in sight
Reaching out to feed the hungry reaching out to save the land

Thats when you be-come a point of light
Until it meets a single point of light
Reaching out to their fellow men.

All it takes is a point of light a ray of hope in the dar-kest night.
If you see whats wrong and you try to make it right

You will be a point of light.

There are dreamers who are making dreams come true
Taking time to teach the children theres nothing they cant do.
Giving shelter to the homeless giving hope to those without.
Isnt that what this lands all about.
One by one form the mountains to the sea points of light
Are calling out to you and me
All it takes is a point of light a ray of hope in the dar-kest night.
If you see whats wrong and you try to make it right

You will be a point of light.


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