
Sunday, November 9, 2008

Energetic Boundaries

I just got a pop-up about "horny people." I've never received this sexual material before. It looks like my computer is less protected now. Sick people in this world. Messing with computers. Such a lack of intelligence by staying stuck in lower chakras.

I created a cocoon around myself yesterday and didn't leave the house. I puttered cleaning out files, vacuuming, dusting. I listened to Karla McLaren's CDs on Energetic Boundaries -- Practical Protection and Renewal Skills for Healers, Therapists, and Sensitive People. I learn a lot from her. My aura defines me and is my energetic skin.

An idea was birthed this morning. I'm going to inquire at a couple of "New Age" bookstores what is required to offer a class. I want to share the Divine Feminine and include drumming. I see it as an open space in which to let spirit move though all the parts creating synergy. The purpose will be to listen to the Divine Feminine and let it move in the circle through bodies/minds/hearts/souls. I see people writing in a collective book their thoughts/feelings. I wonder if any of this will ground? I've thrown out so many seeds in so many directions. And I've stood observing the fields of response -- or not. I have no idea how or where seeds will sprout, take root and develop. It's a lesson in non-attachment and being in the moment. It's allowing space for Her to move.

As I learn about boundaries of my own physical body with it's layers of mind/heart/soul I see that Divine Masculine takes on more of a role in the outer world. The two work together inside out.

I sense hacker is on this computer. Karla talks about how to deal with intrusive energies.


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