
Friday, October 31, 2008

Grounding Body

I was at my son's annual auction last night. One of his board members who doesn't know me well introduced me to someone as "Kevin's sister." Did that make my ego happy or what! I admit it's not easy getting younger spiritually as the body ages physically. It's yet another opportunity to transcend ego.

I embarrassed myself at work yesterday. I was happy, energy was pouring forth, and I hugged a male colleague. I like hugging and touching peo0ple at work. No doubt it's grounding. It's not easy to contain this joy and be appropriately dull in a corporate setting. I am starting to talk to someone at work about Geneen Roth's book and work. Maybe that will help with my need to ground. There are so many details in my work and I often overlook some of them. It takes work to concentrate when it's so much easier and natural for me to be in right brain where input and output moves at the speed of light. I talk about right brain and emotional intelligence to help others understand me and to fit in. And...I work at centering in logic.

I have new inner boundaries and start to feel the need for new outer boundaries of a local community. I may start attending different churches to find a place to ground. Not sure that place exists. I've always hit ceilings within communities. However, something is pushing me from inside so I start tomorrow by attending a community gathering with Lorian and David Spangler. They will have Celtic music and dancing!

My daughter mentioned that my grandson asked when he could go back to "G-ma's house?" Perhaps more time with my g-kids will help me ground.


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