
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Sun Rays

Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Plaiedes? Yes, some relationship connections can. While others rattle like noisy chains. One can feel the difference. It has to do with the force behind the extension -- energy at the core.

Body taught me something last night. Listening to a CD about energetic boundaries I started to draw the aura and chakra chords. It's a circle with wavy arms extending all around. It's the image of sun and rays...and medicine wheel.

Speaking in public is grounding exercise. I can have too much energy or I can have the opposite. I'm working to find center and balance through inspiration and information. That is the same force coming in and going out. Input and output...negative and positive. Two opposite forces yet one current.

New clarity is informing me to disconnect from certain people. That I can have boundaries and I don't have to respond to people. It's the same way I don't have to respond to food. I can make intelligent choices and take care of my whole self. Life has new lines/boundaries and is much more quiet.


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