
Monday, October 27, 2008

Relationship Boundaries

My 4-year old grandson was not responding to me. He was distant. When I would see him he'd run the other direction. This weekend I went to his soccer game. Later, when I arrived at his house I heard his voice, "G-ma come to my room." Wow, what a difference a soccer game makes! He had a blanket and pillow spread out neatly on the floor with his babies. He introduced me to his gorilla, snake, mickey mouse, transformer, etc. I watched how he tenderly related to his babies. My grandson has been influenced by the men in our family through various sports. He's a rough and tumble boy. I'm happy, now, to see that his feminine side is also alive and well.

My grandkids spent the weekend with me. As we were hanging out at the pumpkin patch and corn maze he said matter of fact, "This is the funnest day ever." Such sweet words to hear.

My 9-year old granddaughter says, "Now, we won't be able to have our C & D talk." (her brother was with us) I asked her what "C & D" meant. "Cats and Dogs." I laugh...and told her it was, "Birds and Bees!" I'm talking to her and her mom about sexual energy. I want my granddaughter to learn about boundaries/awareness. Something I didn't have. She is growing up so fast and so much of her world is drenched in sexuality from TV and movies to music and teen magazines. How does a young girl manage these loud hormones that scream inside and out?

I'm giving my daughter the book Breaking Free from Emotional Eating by Geneen Roth. She quit smoking this year...she also gained back the 70 pounds she lost. I'm talking with her about my breakthroughs through the grief and pain of my childhood, my children's childhoods and now my grandchildren's. I'm grateful she and my son-in-law listen.

A woman friend sent me an email with an article from a local "hip" newspaper. I was offended by it...even repulsed What is "offended" I asked? I didn't want the article's profanity and references to bodily functions into my space. I didn't want to absorb or assimilate it. I want harmony in my life. I want resonance. I wonder why she sent it to me...doesn't she know me better? I have to trust my body's response and though it's cool by many to swear and be coarse I draw the line. I have boundaries!


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