
Sunday, October 19, 2008

Tidal Shift

It's not enough to attend church and pray. It's not enough to meditate and do yoga. It's not enough to know the science of quantum physics. It's not enough to astral travel and meet spirit guides. It's not enough to find bliss in nature. It's not enough.

Enough begins when we excavate layers of subterranian earth of one's psyche. Enough is when we begin to face the ghosts and skeletons and loosen them, free them from their haunts. Enough is when we feel the pain as it rises into the ethers from Earth Mother's womb. Enough is when we grieve enough--cycle by cycle.

Dark and Light go hand in hand. Spirit is just another word and spirituality is just another mental concept until one gets dirty in the mud of one's unconscious. There one is linked to everyone past, present and future.
My Earth, our Earth, is aerated and purged. It's enough.

The bold lead the way. Women speaking out telling their stories and the stories of others. Horrific stories of evil using life force to feed evil. Silence is not enough. Turning one's back is not enough.

This is the time. This is the place. We've had enough. We are enough. To turn the tide.


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