
Saturday, October 18, 2008

Food First and Getting a Grip by Frances Moore Lappe

I met two bright women while driving to Vancouver to train speakers. One via the book True Balance. It is a workbook about the chakras. The author is Sonia Choquette. The first chapter is totally where I'm at in my evolving awakening. It focuses on the first chakra and how this center, activated at birth, is our foundation and provides balance. "...this chakra vibrates energetically to the color red."

I noticed along the drive that when I turned off the music, stopped chewing and snapping gum, and was not obsessing about food that it was very still. Stillness has dimension and feels full, round. It also has sound. This is not empty space but full of nutrients, enzymes, etc.

I get a new glimpse of my life long food obsession and its patterns as I work with breaking old habits. I get a new sense of being "grounded" in body. Awareness increases and I watch for more than chocolate. I watch for breads, rice, crackers, potatoes. All these things are comfort foods. In my body they cause inflamation -- imbalanced red. I am now aware that raw foods contain enzymes. I prefer warm foods...casseroles and soups over raw foods. But I am working to balance and will be more aware of including raw and natural plants into my physical body. I know plants love to give's their nature. I eat animals love to give love by being consumed? Perhaps that is something to look at down the road of health. Right now it is not a pressing issue for me.

It's time to talk more about the power of emotion in our medical fields. It's not about positive or negative emotion that we can identify on the surface. It's about unconscious coping patterns that are false substitutes for love. It's time to grow up by releasing patterns from childhood and adolescence. Perhaps that new growth cycle begins at the first chakra.

I love being alone listening in my own energetic womb/aura/field. I love being with people and there is still an aspect of listening within as it relates to those outside my womb. There are feedback loops in both these situations. Feedback loops connect at center. This center is a place of grounding and wholeness. It starts within and radiates outward. There is a lot of work to do individually and collectively.

I heard a woman speaking on the radio. She was talking about an expanded energy system. She talked about how: there are no parts in a democracy -- only participants; eating chocolate and giving to others releases the same chemicals in body; Germany is doing groundbreaking work with renewable energy; economics of democracy; a living democracy based on ecological values; democracy is c0-created by us moment by moment; we are birthing a living democracy which is not centalized sameness (McDonalds for example);; we need to be bold at our backbone; she is learning about bold humility via her story. I kept wondering who is this woman? Frances Moore Lappe @ small Wow! Another heroine on this planet. There are so many shining lights creating a protective web around our Earth Mother.


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