
Thursday, October 16, 2008

Under the Surface

I called phone companies about the phone harrassment that started some weeks back. They told me to do a trace. I did a trace and was told to call 911. I called 911 and ended up doing a report with the Sheriff's department. That would be the second report I've made. The other having to do with my door being tampered with. The phone vibes are similar to Tracker vibes. Why do men harrass women? For attention? For a sense of power?

After an agency fair at Microsoft on the 28th floor a man in the elevator offered to carry my heavy bin to the car. I wondered if this act of kindness cancelled out the acts of harassment. The answer that came through was, "They're not even in the same ball park." I have no idea what that's simply what came through my emotional/mental wheels to the surface of consciousness. The man in the elevator commented about good karma. And that's the final judgement...from a universal system of justice. Knowing this gives one a sense of peace and comfort.

I heard on the news that someone with lung cancer had not smoked cigarettes. There was surprise at this. Why don't people consider emotions as a factor in health? Why is this feminine realm of feeling so hidden and ignored. Time to wake up to the power of emotion and take a look within at one's own waters underneath the surface.


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