
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Pointed Moment

I was driving to the political meeting about Hanford clean-up when body says it doesn't want to go. Okay. This living in the moment is not very convenient. How can one plan anything? One keeps the planning at a minimum.

This swirling pool of cross currents is full of toxins. I'm witnessing them from within. I do the "should" and "should not" routine based on my experience of love and enlightenment. These toxins that seem to be coming through nerves via unconscious are not loving. They are, however, enlightening. I am learning from them. Like relationships they are teacher. Is Shadow teacher to Light...and Light teacher to Shadow?

People don't share my values and are not drawn to me the same way I don't share others' values. This does seem natural and how we create tribes and villages. And yet there must be a place where we are more accepting of differences...more respectful. How would this look and feel? I'm in the pointed moment seeking the answer.

I think the way to let the shadow thin out and not be so dominant is simply to observe and be aware. I don't intend them away with force of judgement and criticism (that applies to others as well -- I hear that). Perhaps I give others as much forgiveness as I give myself. We are in Shadow together just as we are in Light. The toxic pool that causes reaction will be purified. I don't think that means that we will all ascend...maybe this is my hope. Yes, I want to purify earth so that we can live here in rainbow colors with the colors and smells of Nature. Shadow is part of this realm.

Someone keeps calling my home and hanging up. I answered last night and the vibe at the other end is that creepy vibe I'm familiar with. What is "creepy"? It's an aspect of shadow.

I'm wrapping around the pointed moment. It's not always pleasant especially when in the toxic pool. However, it's part of the journey and there is no choice. I let it thin. I keep moving. Language with its communication of feelings and logic gets the job done.


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