
Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What's Next?

One talked about casual sex and how boring it was to walk the lake because she'd done it so many times. The other talked about her botox. When I told them about the man associated with work who is interested in sex they told me I should be flattered. I am not flattered nor can I relate to their ways of being in the world. Is this judgment or discernment? I did genuinely hug both of them and comment that beauty is inside out.

I was sitting in a meeting with two men and felt sexual vibes. I wondered where they were coming from. In a recent meeting with one of them I was asked what I was doing the rest of the day. I thought that was odd. Getting into our cars I glanced his way and noticed his glance in return. It was then I connected the dots. I was a bit shocked...I am so naive in this world. He emailed saying it was refreshing to talk and that we should do it more often. That is not going to happen!

I think about the shiny black image with red on the right that is still in the forefront of some level of vision. This shiny surfaced black is not the same dull black glob of toxins I saw months -- is it years now? -- ago. Maybe one has to do with judgement and the other discernment and their different angle of light.

The day after the final peace concert I experienced post-partum depression. I called friends and told them. One of them invited me over to meet her new kitten. My native american friend understood and reflected some of his own experience around events with a lot of people and activity. Some sort of vortex has been moving ever since. Very disorienting. I have no doubt it has to do with the vibratory connection that played out and deepened during this creative process. Now a new shift is in play.

I sent my book introduction to a couple of women for feedback. I'm seeing that it may not be easy for others to understand and I considered adding more logic. How would others read this? I think I'm going to write the book for me and not an audience. I want to organize my life around the wheel and add the poetry and images that are dear to my heart and life. Perhaps I'm creating a live presentation that I would promote/market as I so love to talk and use my whole body for projecting my passion around the Sacred. And perhaps not. At the same time I'm feeling the need to be still and do nothing. Such is the swirling pool I find myself in.

Writing and grounding my story is a sign that I'm lifting up out of the waters and dry land will be found. I've been in this cycle so many times....and it's always new. Such is Her/His Nature. One has to go with the emotions and the disorientation that is an aspect of the alchemical journey.

Tonight I may attend a political meeting with a candidate whom I met at one of the concerts. I'm testing the waters to see what's next.


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