
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Feedback Loops

I'm so grateful for clean running water...and hot showers. I wish everyone in the world clean running water.

After a few days of aware eating I am not craving sweets, I'm not thinking about food all the time and I'm waking up without hunger. This is a confusing place because it's not dominant territory. Staying aware is all about equilibrium. How does one sustain equilibrium? Through awareness and a coordination of all the parts of one's being. I am going to blog about it. This will be my mirror -- a place I check in and see reflections.

Another miracle! I was listening to the loaned executive from United Way as I'm coordinating our workplace campaign. He is very logical and was giving me facts. A half-hour later I was able to repeat these facts and surprised myself. Usually something in my brain and senses glaze over when relating to linear information. I think this is a pattern from childhood when all I heard was surface information and all I wanted was something deeper involving feelings. Perhaps I'm growing out of childhood. Perhaps it's never too late to change wiring and firing in brain patterns.

I was realizing that I don't know how mom's "mental breakdowns" were for her. I never asked her or talked about these dark times with her. I'm seeing in a new way that my deep depressions reflect her patterns. I know that highs and lows are part of a creative cycle. I also know creative cycles are about health and not dis-ease. So, I am welcoming some new information in a new cycle of inspiration.

I gave one of my worst talks at a Rotary club yesterday. My brain and mouth could not get coordinated. I had determined not to color outside the lines and had a script to follow. It didn't flow. And yet as I looked out into the audience I didn't feel or see any judgement. People seemed to stay with me no matter how scattered my logic was. Perhaps they were listening to something else from me. I know voice has a lot to do with engagement. Driving back to work after the talk I got that I can use circles to help me organize my talk. The outer circle representing the larger picture of our agency. I can draw lines from the circle and identify those points. The next circle represents our core services. I can draw lines and add this information. Inner circle represents questions and answers. It's a format I can use for additional training in the regions. Regions have started to engage with the Speaker's Bureau and I so love it when I get feedback from them. One region invited me back this week to offer another training. This feedback/response is setting the pace for this outreach.


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