
Friday, October 17, 2008

Digestion, Absorbtion, Assimilation

I am intent on staying with eating awareness. Yesterday I was heading toward the baked goods when I steered myself to minestrone soup instead. And with it dense bread with olive oil and balsamic vinegar with herbs-- so yummy! My office buddy eats chocolate several times a day. He offered me some and I had a couple of bites and ate it very slowly. I usually gobble it down -- probably out of guilt -- or maybe it's from being in an unconscious state. I enjoyed it. I had a healthy dinner with no cravings for sweets. I am counting the goal is day to day...until 21 days and then I celebrate my first victory.

A woman and I were talking about diabetes and sugar cravings. She was abused as a child. I told her about the books from Sonia Choquette and she asked if I would share what I learn.

I am enjoying being in my body differently and staying there. I like the clear connection with middle earth.

We've checked in with the appropriate departments at work and I'm now booking our celebrity speaker. This is a great opportunity since service organizations are limited in number. I began to contact folks from all the business cards I've collected. Word of mouth, people to people, is a good way to begin this new phase of development in the speaker's bureau.


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