
Sunday, October 19, 2008

Beyond Fight or Flight

When I was in grade school I would get on my bike and ride for miles. When I was in high school and my boyfriend and I got in a fight I would run away--wherever I was--even in the worst part of town. I still don't understand this flight pattern...oh, I just got it. Blogging is good therapy. I couldn't fight, or speak as a child. Feelings didn't have a voice.

The stories in When Food is Love are intense. Many themes ring true for me. I grieve as much for my own children as for myself. I was not there for them. I was searching for my soul and community.

Just now I called my daughters. I talked to my grandchildren. I still have a tendency to be distant. My spiritual life is very full and rich...I like solitude. And yet my children need to know their mother loves them. That I am not far away. This is very emotional territory. Does healing my wounds assist the healing of their wounds?

There is a pattern beyond fight or flight. That pattern is communicating feelings in the grounded moment through a logical filter and lens. That pattern represents maturity. Barack Obama comes to mind. He represents this new intelligent maturity. His win represents a people who are ready for change.

I radiate light and love letting that force break ground in myself . That force is intelligent and loving offering the time needed to turn things right side up. It's definitely an evolving process.


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