
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Umbilical Chord

Driving to my 7:00 AM talk I realized I hadn't given this presentaion any thought. As I considered this group something moved from my heart and encompassed the group. It was like an umbilical chord. Yesterday at my desk some gear shifted and I stared into space. Today that happened again. Out of the blue something shifted and I stared into space. This time it felt like an umbilical chord connected to the sun. My light-headedness is sun related. The thought crossed my mind that I needed a chord from feet to earth so I could be grounded. What are these chords? I'm now reading Sonia Choquette's Trust Your Vibes (love her writing) and she talks about a silver chord from solar plexus. Perhaps each chakra has a chord. A chord of nourishment, sustenance. Something feeding in and out -- looping.

Right-brained people are a minority. I saw that at work today. I digest information in small bites. Most others can digest in larger doses. People are not aware of the different types of learning/digesting/assimilating information. Is this issue that I've felt since a child discrimination? I'm noticing that I don't have to apologize for being different. I'm noticing that I'm floating above that ego tug-of-war. The aura surrounding me says "It doesn't matter." That is very freeing.

Food is tasting so good today. I binged on sea-salt and vinegar potatoe chips this afternoon. Not that I had a lot...just that I gobbled them rather than eating them slowly. It seemed to help me ground...but I think that is the old message. It's not the food but the frenzied way I take in food. Compulsive is the word, I guess. However, I let it be and did not go into a tailspin. I am starting to enjoy salads with all the goodies from the CSA. I've now eaten raw kohlrabi...yummm! You can make a salad with so many's like a new experience. Yumming and humming...must be inner child language coming through. And that's my emotion tonight...last night I was teary...tomorrow night could be anything. It's a sea of mystery...these emotions.


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