
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Emptying and Lifting

I let go of more and more thoughts/inner talk/old patterns/people in my life that are not resonating with my highest good. It's a quieting sensation. I feel light, empty...alone but not lonely.

From a Hay House email today. Archangel Michael has a family of humans (with wings) on this planet. It's good that we are meeting one another!

Doreen Virtue's new book The Miracles of Archangel Michael reveals the astonishing, life-changing help that Michael brings to everyone who calls on him. Experience real-life stories of peace, compassion, wisdom, courage, and confidence that Michael has to offer. Learn how to contact and work with Michael to feel safe, protected, and always loved!

Doreen explores seeing, hearing, and feeling the presence of Archangel Michael, illustrating how this celestial being connects with us through our physical senses in our everyday lives. Learn how he has guided others through difficult and confusing situations.

Michael is known as the angel who rescues, protects, and safeguards. Learn the amazing ways in which Michael provides protection to all...

  • Bending the physical "laws" of gravity, time and space in order to save lives
  • Assisting individuals by human heavenly intervention, by sending mortal people in answer to prayers or taking on human form himself
  • Fostering his hobby of being a modern day Mr. Fix-It, engaging in repair as part of his global mission to protect us from fear
  • Removing fears, phobias, and negativity by boosting confidence and courage, as well as providing real protection and safety
  • Working in tandem with the Archangel of Healing, Raphael, offering an unstoppable combination of powerful healing abilities
  • Answering requests from people on behalf of someone else without interjecting on any persons free will
  • Granting guidance concerning careers and life purpose through his access to your Akashic records (or "Book of Life")
Doreen reminds you that you can always count on Archangel Michael's help in any situation. "The angels have told me that their chief purpose is to bring peace to Earth, one person at a time. They do so by reducing stress, anger, and fear. They've informed me that it's not the big things in life that cause debilitating stress, but the hundreds of small irritants building up to disrupt our inner peace." Michael is the embodiment of compassion, assisting everyone with whatever is needed. He simply says yes to whatever instills safety and peace.


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