
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Cancer Cure

Geneen Roth writes about food and sex in Breaking Free from Emotional Eating. The chapter is called "On Sexuality: "Men Use Sex the Way Women Use Food." She is a pointed story teller -- she gets to the point as it relates to her life in her body. What else is there to talk about, really? If the subject matter isn't grounded in one's body what a waste of breath.

The stories tell how boys used her body for their pleasure and how she used her body to please boys; and how some fathers stop relating to their daughters at puberty. And she tells stories of her workshop participants. I am reminded of breast cancer. How breasts attract boys/men; how women attract boys/men with their breasts and how women are getting their breasts injected to attrack boys/men. What does this craziness do? It cuts off the circulation of life force. It deadens cells and tissue. The real cancer cure is to love one's own body and then one can love another body. Love heals.

Emotions are the conduit between spiritual life force and one's body. It's time to clean up these waters. What was okay out of ignorance and old patterns is no longer acceptable. New awareness and new light brings new responsibility: maturity. Planet Earth also has an emotional body. Our healing is Her healing.

I was thinking about breakfast this morning in bed. many choices. I smiled when I thought about yummy guacumole with tomatoes and cucumbers. I'm happy that I'm now attracted to foods that are colorful and alive. I slipped this weekend with family. Geneen writes about that and gives good examples of how to be aware and stay out of these pitfalls. I'm really grateful for this writer and others who, I notice, are my age. Our truth telling can be the cure.


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