
Thursday, November 6, 2008

Music of the Spheres

My home computer has a serious virus. So I'm blogging from work. There are so many predators in this world who like to invade others' space. Cancerous cells at all levels. Light prevails in spite of some appearances!

Had dinner with a woman friend. I realize she is the only woman in my day to day life I can talk with about spiritual and metaphysical subjects. There was a very sacred vibe/sound after my time with her. A quiet hush -- maybe deeper/higher. Larter I thought how our spiritual intimacy via conversation was better than sex and chocolate cake! The throat chakra is starved for spiritual nourishment. I'd like to invite this woman and another woman to hear an author speak this spring -- Hay House has so many choices! One woman is a Jehovah Witness however. It's sad the boundaries in the name of Jehovah.

The School of the Assumption is donating holiday gifts to all our boys in residential treatment. I wonder what "assumption" means. I hope to remember to look it up.

Men like to run red/orange energy with women. I know a man who likes to get close physically and feed on me. It's an invasion of personal space. I'm learning how to protect my space with boundaries thanks to Sonia Choquette.

Had a meeting with a Lions Club President to make a grant proposal for a program for fathers. Why don't fathers get more involved in their children's lives he asks? Is it because these men didn't have fathers themselves or is it because men are not as social? Our new film shows one of our fathers saying how he knew how to be a friend to his son but not a parent. With classes at our agency he learned. He is now a representative speaker for us. This president who had seen the film reminded us about this segment -- it touched his heart. We had an incredibly creative conversation about how Lions represents "vision" and our proposal for a Fatherhood program reinforces a new vision of fathers in the lives of their families. A theme popped into the conversation called "Through the Eyes of Fathers." This president says there is a song with that theme and he was hoping to find it to share. This conversation was organic and creative because of heart connection in the room. And that's about listening in an open space and putting energy into it through intelligent conversation...that has nothing to do with mental manipulations of egos. Not only did we talk about the grant but it wove into expanded possibilities of auction dollars and volunteer hours. It was a magical meeting!

There's new music playing under feet and overhead.


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