
Sunday, November 2, 2008

Aura Speaks

Twice last week I noticed a pressing down force in my aura. A constriction weighing on me from above...maybe upper right. This inhibiting pattern has been with me a long time...maybe since childhood. Maybe it's the experience of having a hole or tear in my aura? It happens after I've been with someone or several people and I didn't connect. It may be about self judgement and self-criticism or dis-connection in this outer world or both. Last week I talked to myself about it for the first time. This inner dialogue of feedback loops has increased of late. It's like a parent talking to one's child. I am my own comforter...aligned with angelic light that sings the cosmos. That's some powerful comforting Love!

Went off course last week with food issues and I feel the effects. This is ongoing work. I am not ashamed but I am concerned about my responsibility to my body child. New parenting requires a lot of new communication including boundaries/guidelines.

From To Hear the Angels Sing, page 80:

A shrub deva talked of joy as the impetus to the direction of force, as the nature of life itself, the lifestream of Nature.

We fly on the wings of joy, for we could not manipulate forces if we were weighted down like humans. We start plants off by whirling forces into activity, and the joy in us has a constant movement which we pass on in our work. What fun it is to hold each little atom in its pattern.

To them the formative field for manifestation is astounding joy, so it is not surprising that joy is everpresent when one becomes aware of the angels. They express their joy in praise of life, as well as in the creation of it, and this is the truth behind medieval paintings of angels singing praises to the Lord.


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