
Saturday, November 1, 2008

Ether Waters

Puget Sound Business Journal, October 24-30
Gates Foundation giving $10.4M for "novel" health ideas

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation said it will give 104 grants of $100,000 each to scientists and researchers in 22 countries for "bold, untested" ideas to improve global health. The ideas range from creating a "mosquito flashlight" that would prevent malaria transmission by disrupting wavelengths, to an attempt to create nanoparticles that will soak up viruses circulating in the body.

When will the emotional body be acknowledged for Her role in health? It's time for technology to take a back seat to that which is inclusive through whole system design. It's time to stop breaking down the parts through dissection and uplifting that which inspires and serves the whole of Nature. I know this is the Gates intent. May that opportune space be filled in with Light so that systems can increasingly rise up, stand out and shine.

I woke up in the middle of the night to eruptions in some field. This happened before and it was quite unnerving...I thought there was going to be an earthquake in this realm. Perhaps there was but not under my feet. It's like a storm at sea...where the waters (pneumoplasm - an Emissary of Divine Light word) are stirred up. I have no idea what it means.

My ex-husband sat next to me at our son's auction. I'm seeing that he wants to get back together. The sad part is he doesn't know me well enought to know that is impossible. Emotional connection is a fascinating science. One can be totally wrapped up in a man and then a season is more cords, more grounding connection. Is it gravitational? Is it a pulling together when there are specific lessons to learn and work to do and then a letting go when those lessons are complete for one or the other. What is the purpose of relationship if not to evolve spiritually? Light seeks grounded matter for creative breakthrough.

I'm not working on my book project right now. I'm not sure when I'll be inspired again. It takes time and work. Right brain function is effortless...left brain book writing is not. And right brain is not attached...maybe there was a different purpose for the book project initiation. My spiritual orientation is to stay in the flow. I know that design and trust it. So, I listen as dreamtime conveys some shaking up of ethers.


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