
Sunday, November 2, 2008

Lorian and Dorothy Maclean

It was fun to see and chat with Dorothy Maclean last night (as well as David and Julie Spangler and Freya and Jeremy). And it was fun to dance to Celtic music with the Lorian Community. Dorothy's book To Hear the Angels Sing was the first book on angels I read after crossing paths with Archangel Michael. It's a book that needs to be reproduced and reintroduced to the world. It is "biblical" to me. Dorothy continues to emit joy and sparks of aliveness even as aging dances with her changing her physical capacities. I offered to help with their next community event. Perhaps that will ground.

Page 80 of To Hear the Angels Sing: The Landscape Angel once seemed to be juggling forces into the area with "hands", and said that the deveas work in mantras, in movements, which produce sound and make a pattern, and work up to a certain pitch. Their movements endow their areas with certain qualities of life.


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